Pablo A. Prieto Díaz

Postdoctoral Researcher

Office: 1.1.D19    Email: paprieto @

ORCID:0000-0002-2638-4810         LinkedIn

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Pablo Prieto holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (2018) and a M.S. in Industrial Mathematics (2020) from the University Carlos III of Madrid. Throughout his programs, he worked as an aeronautical design engineer in CT Ingenieros (2017-2018); and as an undergraduate research fellow under the supervision of Prof. César Huete, studying numerically the shock waves in confined spaces (2019). He obtained a PhD in Fluid Mechanics (2024) in the Department of Thermal and Fluids Engineering, under the supervision of Prof. Marcos Vera. His dissertation addresed the effects of convective mixing of the electrolyte inside the tanks of Vanadium Flow Batteries (VFBs), with a focus on the capacity loss induced by buoyant flows. During his PhD program, he made a short (3-months) stay at the university of Padua, under the supervision of Prof. Massimo Guarnieri.

Research interests

Pablo's research interests address mass, charge and heat transport phenomena taking place in the VFBs, using modeling, numerical analysis and experiments. In particular, his research focuses on the electrolyte mixing inside the tanks of VFBs.


Journal Publications

  1. P. A. Prieto-Díaz, A. A. Maurice, M. Vera, The influence of electrolyte mixing inside the tanks on the vanadium redox flow batteries operation: Insights from modeling and in-line measurements. In preparation for publication.
  2. A. A. Maurice, P. A. Prieto-Díaz, M. Vera, Low-cost optical sensor for real-time SoC and vanadium concentration monitoring. ChemRxiv, Preprint (2025)
  3. P. A. Prieto-Díaz, A. A. Maurice, M. Vera, Measuring density and viscosity of vanadium electrolytes: A database with multivariate polynomial fits, Journal of Energy Storage, 94 (2024) 112429.
  4. P. A. Prieto-Díaz, A. Trovò, G. Marini, M. Rugna, M. Vera, M. Guarnieri, Experiment-supported survey of inefficient electrolyte mixing and capacity loss in vanadium flow battery tanks, Chemical Engineering Journal, 492 (2024) 152137.
  5. A. Trovò, P. A. Prieto-Díaz, N. Zatta, F. Picano, M. Guarnieri, Early investigations on electrolyte mixing issues in large flow battery tanks, Batteries, 10(4) (2024) 133.
  6. P. A. Prieto-Díaz, S. E. Ibáñez, M. Vera, Fluid dynamics of mixing in the tanks of small vanadium redox flow batteries: Insights from order-of-magnitude estimates and transient two-dimensional simulations, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 216 (2023) 124567.