Mario Sánchez Sanz


Phone: (+34) 91 624 6210
Email: mssanz @

Office: 1.1.F05
Av. Universidad, 30.
Edif. Betancourt
28911, Leganés (Madrid)

Mario Sánchez Sanz obtained his doctorate in May 2007 in the Mathematical Engineering program at Carlos III University, funded by a competitive FPI fellowship and supervised by Antonio Sánchez and Amable Liñán.

After graduating in May 2007, he moved to the School of Aeronautics at the Polytechnic University of Madrid with a postdoctoral contract "Juan de la Cierva". In November 2007, he secured a position as an assistant professor, which he left in September 2011 to join the Fluid Mechanics Department at Carlos III University as a visiting professor, becoming an associate professor in June 2012. In December 2021, he became full professor of Fluid Mechanics.

He was awarded the "José Castillejo" postdoctoral fellowship twice (2008 and 2010) for research stays abroad, which he used to initiate research collaborations with the Mechanical Engineering Departments of Yale University and the University of California, Berkeley, led by Prof. Mitch Smooke and Prof. Carlos Fernández-Pello. In 2024, he obtained a Salvador de Madariaga/Fulbright fellowship to conduct research at the University of California, San Diego.

Full cv here

Research interest

Mario's research interest focuses on the application of asymptotic, numerical, and experimental techniques to study reactive and non-reactive flows. This broad description includes problems of heat and mass transfer, jet analysis, and the combustion of carbon-free fuels (ammonia and hydrogen).

Publications:  Full list here

Droplet autoignition simulation : Video

Flames propagating in tubes: Video

Supression of thermoacoustic instabilities: Video

Fractal ultra-lean hydrogen flames: Video1, Video2 Video3

Hydrogen CombustionIDEAL  project)

(with Fernando Veiga,  Eduardo Fernández-Tarrazo, Daniel Martínez-Ruiz, Mike Kuznetsov, Joachim Grune, Physical Review Letters 124 (17) 174501 PDF)

Flame oscillations in narrow channels

(with Fernando Veiga, Daniel Martínez-Ruiz, Physical Review Fluids,  4, 100503 (2019) PDF)

Wire ignition of a premixed flame

(with Fernando Veiga, Daniel Martínez-Ruiz, Eduardo Fernández Tarrazo, Combustion and Flame 201 (2019) 1-11, PDF)


Grants, Awards and Acknowledgements

2020 Paper Featured in Chemistry World: "Amazing slow-motion video catches hydrogen flames going fractal".

2020 Paper Featured in Physics: "Confined Flames Sprout Fingers".

2020 Paper selected in Physical Review Letters Editor's Suggestions (one Letter in six is chosen for this highlighting). Published 1 May 2020.

2018 Winner of the “Milton van Dyke Award”  granted by the Fluid Mechanics division of the American Physical Society. APS/DFD Milton van Dyke Award

2010 Competitive Postdoctoral Travelling Research Grant “José Castillejo” at University of Yale (4 months, grant number JC2009-00363) from the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain.

2008 Competitive Postdoctoral Travelling Research Grant “José Castillejo” at University of Yale (4 months, grant number JC2007-00327) from the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain.

2008 Competitive Postdoctoral Research Grant “Juan de la Cierva” Grant (3 years, grant number 18-08-463B-750) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education.

2003 Competitive Predoctoral Research Grant FPI (4 years, grant number BES-2003-2908) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education.

PhD Students

Rubén Palomeque Santiago, "Premixed hydrogen flames propagation in narrow channels"

Past PhD Students

Desiree Ruiz Martín, "Reactive and non-reactive two-phase flows in slender channels", October 2022

Fernando Veiga López, "Thermoacoustic instabilities in Hele-Shaw cells". June 2020.

Alejandro Millán Merino, "Theoretical and Numerical Analysis of Isolated Ethanol Droplets: Evaporation and Combustion". February 2020.

Marco Rosales Vera, "Estudio asintótico-numérico de la descarga de chorros laminares de gas: efecto del peso molecular", February 2016.

Interesting links

Phd Thesis: Laminar gas jets with extreme jet-to-ambient density ratios

Mechanical Engineering Yale University

Center of Energy ResearchUniversity of California at San Diego

Mathematics department University of East Anglia

Aerothermochemistry (pdf) Aerothermochemistry (Gregorio Millán and T. Von Karman)

Dimensional Analysis (pdf) P. W. Bridgman.